November Newsletter

November Newsletter

Welcome to the November Newsletter

The property market over the last month has been surprisingly busy after such a slow summer.

A good choice of properties have been coming onto the market and sales have held up very well.

 Pricing remains absolutely critical, if you over price a property it has no chance of selling and you waste those very valuable first few weeks of marketing. Various price reductions have borne this out with homes selling very quickly after substantial price reductions.

The letting market continues to boom with most homes letting within days of coming to the market at ever increasing rents.

 The market will go much quieter in the coming weeks as we lead up to Christmas but then goes very busy from Boxing Day.

Local Christmas Events

For a bit of festive fun over the Christmas period why not have a look at some of the local events listed below.

Click here to read Local Christmas Events.

Preventing Damp and Mould

Preventing damp and mould is important for maintaining a healthy and comfortable living environment. Here are some tips to help you prevent 

Click here to read Preventing Damp and Mould.

Should you drain down before leaving a propert empty?

Draining down a property’s water supply system before going on a long holiday or leaving a property empty pending sale is a wise precaution in some 

Click here to read Should you drain down before leaving a propert empty?.

Places to visit Father Christmas in the West Midlands in 2023

Below is a list of just some of the places in the West Midlands that you can visit Father Christmas this year.

Click here to read Places to visit Father Christmas in the West Midlands in 2023.