Your news update with Oulsnam

Your news update with Oulsnam

What will happen to property prices in 2022?

The sudden appearance of COVID-19 kickstarted a tidal wave of market activity as people nationwide upped sticks and pursued a new life elsewhere.
In 2021 alone, house prices increased by 9.8% in England and 15.5% in Wales. *
But, can we expect house prices to continue soaring throughout 2022?
Well, a major property portal still predicts prices to rise by 5% in 2022.
It has also reported a 19% hike in valuation enquiries since December. **
Whether these figures are buoyed by those taking advantage of a more flexible working environment or wishing to return to the lifestyle they had before, it’s clear that many people are looking to move soon.
With buyers flooding the market and the spring boom on the horizon, now could be the perfect time to sell.
The expected peak could also be good news for buyers as higher values tempt more sellers to list.
Therefore, the market may begin to balance out while continuing to strengthen.
Still unsure what your home is worth?
The last two years have taught us that the property market is highly dynamic and rapidly changing.
That’s why we recommend an up-to-date appraisal – you may be pleasantly surprised.
Our friendly team are on standby to advise on your unique situation. We’ll share insights about the current market and furnish you with an accurate valuation.
Contact us today to discover your property’s true potential.
*Based on recent data from the UK House Price Index
**Compared to the same period in 2020.

How to get on the Property Ladder in the West Midlands

If you are a first-time buyer, our useful tips on how to get on the property ladder could help you make your dreams a reality sooner than you think!

Click here to read How to get on the Property Ladder in the West Midlands.

New House Vs Old House? Here’s How to Choose!

Choosing your next home is a big decision. It’s a huge investment and so it must be right.

At Oulsnam we’ve seen our fair share of old and new, so let’s look at what you should be considering when choosing.

Click here to read New House Vs Old House? Here’s How to Choose!.

Freshen up your rental property without making permanent changes 


When decorating a rented property, there are many things you must bear in mind when making any dramatic changes, including getting the landlord’s permission. 

However, there are plenty of ways to add personality to the property without risking your deposit, including: 

Layering up

Creating layers in a room is a great way to allow a home to feel lived in. 

By simply adding soft furnishings like cushions, blankets, curtains and rugs, you could make your rental feel a lot more like home. 

If you’re unsure where to start, find a major furnishing that catches your eye – such as a nice rug – and build from there using similar fabrics and colours. 

Investing in indoor plants 

Houseplants are a great way to brighten up a room. 

These are often inexpensive and require minimal to no effort. 

Even if you lack a green thumb, there are plenty of options such as using artificial plants that will require far less work to maintain! 

Letting loose on lighting 

If your rooms are lacking in natural light, opting for a well-positioned lamp can flood the area with some much-needed brightness. 

Light fixtures can be practical and stylish, with many energy-saving options available, such as LEDs to brighten your home and reduce the impact on your wallet and energy consumption. 

With many types of lighting available, it’s important you spend some time comparing to find the right “glow” for your home. 

Hanging artwork without the need for nails

Having a home filled with personal photos on the walls is a great way to set the right atmosphere in your rental. 

By using damage-free picture hanging strips, which can be found in most DIY stores, you can avoid losing your deposit due to holes in the paintwork. 
Making the most out of your space 

Most of us wish we had more space in our house to fill with our personal belongings, so why not create it by investing in multifunctional furniture for your rooms? 

Not only are these practical but many options are also stylish, meaning you don’t have to compromise on the aesthetics of your home. 

From the garden to the bedroom, there are many ways to save space by creating a multi-purpose environment, such as a home office. 

For any advice on the services we offer for landlords and tenants, get in touch today.  


Which room in your home is the best value for money?

Whilst it might be the furthest thing from your mind right now, making home improvements is the perfect way to spend all that extra time indoors.
In order for you to know where to concentrate your energy, we've outlined the rooms considered 'best value'.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the best-valued room has been revealed as the master bedroom, where we spend an average of 2,482 hours a year.
A recent study from has shown that Brits spend £308.51 each year on renovating the main bedroom, which makes sense when we consider just how much the room is used.
The average person spends about 26 years sleeping in their life, which equates to 9,490 days. We also spend seven years trying to get to sleep, totalling 33 years or 12,045 days spent in bed!
With the pandemic forcing more of us than ever to work from home, it is no surprise that the home office follows the bedroom for the room most used within our households.
It seems we enjoy improving our culinary skills as well as our homes, with Brits spending just under 800 hours a year in the kitchen. With many people adding renovations to their New Year’s resolutions list, it is important to know which room to do first.
If you are thinking of making changes to improve the value of your property, it is best to start with the kitchen or bathroom.
When buyers view a property, nothing grabs their attention more than a stunning kitchen or a modern bathroom. These improvements don’t have to break the bank to go a long way in impressing prospective owners.
If you’re improving your house for your own purposes only, it’s best to start with the room you would notice changes in the most.
To get your home valued or browse our latest properties, visit our website.