Welcome to the July Newsletter.
June is always seen as one of the peek months for home selling. We have had some lovely sunny weather, gardens are in full bloom and it does seem a very good time to buy.
Mortgage rates have risen again, but now inflation is coming down we have hopefully seen the last of rate rises, and perhaps they might even fall later this year.
There is a larger and better selection of houses for sale than we have seen for many years so it is a very good time to start looking.
Are you thinking about downsizing? There are many benefits and reasons for downsizing your property, it can be overwhelming when it comes to moving all of
Are you thinking about renting your property out?
When it comes to letting a property, what you need
There is so much to remember when you are moving, here is a list of people who you need to inform when you move house
Most of our homes are designed to keep us warm, during the summer with the temperatures rising this